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Yoga classes at Hektor Container Hotel, Telliskivi 62, Tallinn

 Interested in a private class? Reach out on: liisianne.kruusmagi@gmail.com

Yoga classes on hold during the summer months. We're starting again from September.


Mondays 18.00-19.15

Deliciously soft movement in the beginning of a week that helps you to consciously focus on your weekly goals.
In a flurry of thoughts, silence does not occur by itself. Silence occurs when we stop and do not create new obligations, do not make promises and do not search for new information.
An ideal restart for the mind and strengthening for the body.

In this class you will practice Vinyasa style yoga with Yin yoga elements.
Lisaks kergemad meditatsioonitehnikad ning hingamisharjutused.

What is yoga?

Yoga is a powerful instrument for the body and mind. I have experienced its impact on myself and witnessed it in my students. The objective of practicing yoga is not simply working with your body, but serves a greater goal - to get to know oneself:

Cinnamon Yoga styles:

ikoon joogasümbol

Power yoga

High-paced yoga that demands physical effort. 

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ikoon joogasümbol vinyasa jooga

Vinyasa Flow

A very widely practiced yoga style that gives the teacher an opportunity to put together different yoga asanas for an elegant smooth and graceful yoga class.

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ikoon joogasümbol yin jooga

Yin yoga

A Meditative yoga style that is a newcomer among the contemporary yoga styles.

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Yin-yang yoga

Yin-yang yoga Yin-yang yoga is a symbiosis of two inverse yoga styles.

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